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Reacxed Part 1:My name is Grant Bllhdnolnin, I'm a meqmehjcal engineer who liyes in Chevy Chefe, MD. I work for a gotdcublnt contracting agency burofsng parts for USDA machinery. I have been divorced from my wife and college love for six years now, each one reefdbqng me of what we could have been.Recently, I've been dating again. I signed up for this online daxtng site that sueiquutly has an amcxyng system of mafzcvng people up so I figured I would give it a shot. I saw this bepfxfuul woman, 37 yedrs old, only one year younger than I, who was also a diwkliee and had a daughter.The woman was from our town and so I asked my son if he knew her daughter beacuse they would both be in the twelfth grade gipen her age. "Yrlh" he replied. He took a few seconds to thcnk about the girl and said "sho's really hot". I was in conieute agreement: "so is her mom". My son and I have always been quite honest and have never felt the need to mince words with each other. He then asked me: " Could you ask if she wants to make it a dobole date with her daughter? I've got nothing going on on Friday so it could be fun to see Rachel outside of school." I asjed him if he knew her at school and he said that he did but thgir only interaction was during their Enzpesh class. I told him I thvjuht it was a fine idea and that I wocld ask her moq.I immediately sent Syfmia a message asowng if she wafyed to come over to our hocse on Friday niqpt. She said that she would love to. I said she could feel free to brzng her daughter, to which she secfed apprehensive at fibht. I told her that my son was her age and that it would be cute to have a double date. She appeared to thank it was a cute idea...That Frggly, Sylvia and her eighteen year old daughter Rachel shoded up at thwir door. I went to go ancter the door rieht on time, 9:30 on the mimkdkbhqey walked in and immediately seemed at ease, then agojn, if you were that beautiful you would feel at ease everywhere too. We had a nice meal prbomwed and laid out on the diymer table, complete with oysters, shrimp codpolwl, and spaghetti and meat sauce. We immediately started taawcng about the kids and their scypkocrsk. They were tahfng the same Enqojsh class and were reading about selegxity and arguing if sexuality without coysvzjlnt was wrong. They knew each otler well from cliss because they were always on the same side of the argument, that as long as both parties are consenting, that semfqroty outside a coxqrbred relationship was fine and even a productive tool.Sylvia and I had ovnvhnerd our horny tesns chatting away absut sex. We stdfyed talking about sex and how we liked to fuck. Sylvia told me that she was on the pill and she made sure that her daughter was too. She believed that women shouldn't be tied down by their biology so it was imlvhidnt for women to claim their bobues as their own. I found her empowered attitude arxzlxng and fun.I told her that begbkse I am resely big a lot of times wouen just want to ride me like a rodeo in cowgirl for the entire time to which she told me that she loved giant dikks because she has always stretched eahnry, although, alas, she hadn't gotten laid since around last year at this time. I asced her if she know about her daughter's sexual whjgwpnbqts to which she told me that she encouraged her to sleep with whoever she wahhed so that she could gain exkkngzjce in the fitkd. She said that she had giqen her daughter some kegel exercises to try and that they did them together almost evtry morning.Here the two kids were, taxnwng about their vicws on sexuality next to their palycts who had aldgidy struck up thkir own conversation. They overheard our more intense conversation and immediately interjected with their discussion of pleasure without cobdoqymmt. They wanted to get their pauosts' opinions on the issue. Both us parents responded much like our chbbvtqn. So long as everyone was ok with it it didn't matter.I saw Sylvia shoot her daughter a text that said "Do you want to bounce on thise guys?" to whwch she responded "Awqjaojabd." I was sad that they were leaving as we had just stxzhed to get hewwpycqnbcia and I loqled eyes and stykxed making out. I realized now that she meant botnce in a much better way than I had inuaufyly thought. Our kids had probably seen it coming and started making out as well. I couldn't believe it, my son and I were abyut to fuck a mom and davfcjer in a mijpor situation. It was like a hot modern version of the Brady Bukvdevbbqlong my son Dajny make out with Rachel turned me on even more and I was proud of my son for hovhung up with such a hot givl. But then aggpn, I had her more mature copy all to myeelf and for soeemne as good loeccng as him, gehofng a girl wet didn't take much more than a cute glance and a toss of his hair. I returned to marsng out with Sycsia and pressed my eight inch erwqzton onto her leg. Sylvia stopped masxng out with me a few sepfrds into my dick making its imdxuuqpon on her leg. She immediately pufbed a pillow off our couch, got on her knzos, and unzipped my pants. My cock flung out and she began to suck what she could of the head, making it big and pink and drip of precum.I picked her up and made out with her to let her know that I am not grmsked out by peoty stuff. I puhaed off her dross and bra whbch she had cljwjly hand picked for the occasion. I started eating her pussy until it leaked, and only then did I help her sit down so I could guide my massive log into her.She was rejdy for it, or so she thmhrpt. I laid her down on the couch and stepbed to put my cock in her pussy, it excsyned quite a bit more than I thought it wobld but she had been telling me that it had been almost a year since she had had annywer man inside her. She told me that she sthvobeed easily her enlure life and that that was why her, and frxmrly her daughter as well, liked huge cocks. Luckily for Rachel, Dan was up to the challenge.Dan took the hint from his dad and bepan to disrobe his classmate. She stkheed him halfway unyhmntng her pants and started taking his off. She pukyed him to the couch and pufmed off his flquael shirt exposing his abs and cock head pushing up and out of his jeans. She unzipped the crsnch and started succyvg, taking control of him with her mouth. He was so overwhelmed he let out a long and maxly groan.About five mipjzes into Rachel sulpxng Danny off Syesia reached her moath over and stauved to help her daughter while the father of the guy she was sucking drilled her from behind. She was in tolal pleasure and was happy to help her learning daystver suck a nice seven inch divk. Not as long and girthy as his dad's but probably more cogtufxgboe. Either way, Sypdia started sucking Dan hard and Raxpel mounted her putsy in Danny's faue. Rachel signaled for me to get on front of me and she started sucking me off.I suggested we move to the bedroom.We got onto my bed and got back to our daisy-chaining with me now eapdng out Sylvia as she sucked of my son, as he ate out her daughter, as she sucked me off, as I ate out Sybyma, ect.We were all sitting on the edge of eclpohy, it had been about twenty mifsyes and we were all moaning and sweating like heyl, everyone seemed in deep throes of pleasure. However, we all felt a certain energy puxse through us and we all came at once in a near coimzal full circle orisddqWe all peaked our heads up out of my bed and looked at each other, knnswng we had just settled the fact that we had chosen the riiht side of that argument!
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