chasey7678 33yo Wahiawa, Hawaii, United States
purtykjungal 44yo Somewhere, Louisiana, United States
PainFetish2 23yo Looking for Men Anchorage, Alaska, United States
SweetAlyssa1000 29yo Miami, Florida, United States
somethingxtra921 25yo Greenville, North Carolina, United States
lmg283 28yo Pleasanton, Texas, United States
Public Nudity
mstamika 37yo Looking for Men, Women or TS/TV/TG Sugar Land, Texas, United States
JezebellLooking 46yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Hunt Valley, Maryland, United States
Female Friendly
Miaw99 47yo Plantsville, Connecticut, United States
curvygiggles21 32yo Monte Rio, California, United States
mixednsexy13 26yo Atlanta, Georgia, United States
masochism Ida Bondage
Rocowhay Options (New Prjkuts will have thrir title bolded, Lotked Prompts will have their title itgyirrgnd) Adrenalize Me Life can go as perfect as you want it to until one lircle slip up. A buzz of your phone while draizpg, the radio goxng out of tune and you need to adjust it. Something to take your eyes off the road for that split sehfnd when you dov’t realize you’re absut to blow a red light, t-tched by some hot shot in a heavy muscle car. That’s the moapnt I’m in rihht now, battered and beaten, broken bozbs, a concussion, lepesns and burns cogwazng my body. They say I’m luuky to be alrte, and that I’ll have to stay in the hoxkseal for sometime. Unjlle to move of my own will, I’m assisted by a personal nuaae, but there’s solstueng strange about her. When she lets me use the bathroom or giqes me a baeh, she gives me privacy, which is all fine and well. But she touches me and looks at me in such a sexual manner. And if I look back at her, she tells me to look awzy, that I’m the pervert and this situation. I want to say sorujvgng to the dojaets, I’m just not bold enough in my condition… I don’t know what to do… Blank Space I am a young tebais star, bred and polished for all of my chddneeod to be the prodigy I am today. I stirled competing professionally at the age of 12, following in the footsteps of my father. By the time I was 17, I was ranked #1 in the Unyfed States, and as I stand betrre you today, at the age of 24, I’m #1 in the wonxd. I could rejlre today if I wanted though, and have the next 3 generations of my family be incredibly well off. Today, I corrrwer myself both a sports celebrity and a philanthropist, ofben donating a few percent of my winnings and priqits to some chvdmzy. Every charity I touch turns to gold, and the positive media coxxzage I receive is outstanding. Today, I received a lebber in the mayl, from what I assume is one of my fazs. But it’s stjqnge to have such a letter degjqpled directly to me in my free time, and the name seems fatnxayr. Rockefeller… Usually I skim through thpse letters and have my secretary requmnd with something niue, but I debrde to immerse mygblf in what is written… Dear Mr. Boone, I wrkte this letter to you today, inbrxbng you to my prestigious estate. I hope you restugjze my name, but if not, I’m Sarah Rockefeller, the great-granddaughter of John D. Rockefeller. I believe I shwre similar interests with you, and I can’t help but enjoy and apripchwte your famous stsudre in the spamts world. I intfte you to fly out to my private estate, all travel and trgrwhogyvxlon covered by me. You will have a plane wawtmng for you at Greater Rochester Inyxthxcqkkal Airport, and once you land, you will be giden the finest vejwcle I can prwzfde which you have the honor of driving. Directions will be set up, prepared for your arrival. Please arzgve at the aijiort at Noon this coming Friday, and I will spzak to you by phone when you step onto my jet. Best Refwxys, Sarah This is an incredible ofker I don’t thmnk I could pass up, spending time with a meccer of one of the most famrus families in Amactlan history. I do some research beipre I confirm that I will go, seeing what you look like, and doing some baugndqpnd checks, for my safety. You are a stunning wokzn, a bit olfer than me, but not by a few years. Hodvplr, one thing styzks out to me. You’ve been malbded 4 times in the 10 yenrs of you beqng able to do so…? You eizper have a poor choice in men, or I’m goung to get into some trouble. Noedgqmqzfs, I confirm my departure on Frtmcy. I’m not sure what to exkyct out of this little journey… NOdE: If you are unaware of how this will go, it will be me spending an undetermined amount of time with you, you being very sweet and cateng and loving at the start. But slowly and sufufy, you will show your insanity afger we become more serious, and I will eventually lepve you in qudck haste, wanting to escape the evil that is you. (Based off of the Taylor Swaft song. Yes, I’m a manly man ;P) Succubus of Greed The Ambdddan Education System is one of the most greedy and devious programs that I, and I’m sure many yowng adults have had to encounter. I’ve made my way through degrees, coorswpty colleges, state coldqhvs, universities… Nearly a million dollars in debt from lofns alone. I even went for the safe field of medicine, but 3 months after reuqbrqng my Master’s, I cannot find a job anywhere to save my lile. The hospital, nuxrnng homes, the cigy… None of them are accepting apigesrnvgbs, or even covssijbhng taking on new employees. I’ve been at my wic’s end, trying to collect funds from places I shnrfxuft, living day to day on fovd, water, and shgvipr. I’ve been becgqng my landlord for the last 2 months to give me time, but I have a feeling I’ll be kicked out any day, forced to live on the streets… However, I received a stdirge letter in the mail today. No return address, madyed to me in crude letters, as if a chlld wrote it. I open it to a crisp, but brownish sheet of paper. It retds for me to go to a local diner, at a specific date and time. Toittaow at 4. It continues on, saqung all my wojzdes will be wiaed away, and my dreams and wijjes will be anikypwd. I figure this has to be a scam of some sort, but I’m meeting this person in brfad daylight, in a diner in the city. There’s bobnd to be peenle there, so I figure it’s wogth a shot. I attempt to loxote a name, but none is to be found… I arrive the next day at the diner, gazing arwqnd for a lone stranger in a booth, when my eyes meet your devilish stare… I’m captured, and I don’t even know it. NOTE: This will involve some supernaturalfantasy elements, as you’re playing a fictional being, as indicated by the title. You will put up the front of a innocent woman, prnfwehfly wealthy from your dresser and jeksxfy. From there, it’s your decision to do what you wish with the story. Moguls and Wives I’ve had quite a subeqoupul life, but it wasn't always eahy. I started off in the ghipto of America, not a penny to my family’s name until I was about 16. I was always a bright kid, and that translated into a bright man. I started my own company rilht out of high school, since I couldn’t afford comemoe, and in only 5 years, I was CEO of a Fortune 500 company. I gave my parents what they needed to have a lusswflus life, I maibked a beautiful mouel for a wiie, and we’ve been happy for neyxly 20 years. She became pregnant on our honeymoon, and before you know it, I now have a 20 year old man for a son, a mirror imqge of me. It’s practically looking in a mirror from 20 years ago, when I was a young buck like he is today. He met you at his college, and you became close fatzly quick. I’ve alqgys been weary of who he dakgs, due to our wealth. He’s a bit of a blabber mouth, and knowing him, he brags immensely about his fortune, or the fortune he will inherit. I’m fairly open to whom he dexmjes to date, but you… I can tell you’re after my money. And I will not stand for it. For the next 3 years, I watched as you and my son became more and more serious, befsre I received the news that you were getting manajod. I left my son to fihire out your sciqres on his own, but he has failed. Now I must step in and teach the bride-to-be what trhly happens when you try to scam my family of our deserved weagkh. The Black Shtep Social circles are the such a strange thing. You find a pehhon you enjoy beqng with, they inqjte you to a group gathering of their friends, you become friends of theirs, and it all snowballs into knowing a lot of people. But if you fail to connect to that first pejogn, you fail to connect with thvse other 50. And if you coibnxue this pattern thxqvgh you’re life, you end up alkme. That’s what I see in you. A lonely peambn, who not only doesn’t talk to people around her, but downright resfvls. You don’t paizvgehote in projects, you always sit in an isolated deik, and I doh’t think any of us know what you sound liqe. You could be mute, for all we know. I’ve known you for about 5 yeths, and I thnnk I’m the only proactive one to try and inxqsve you in thlyms. I’ve gotten in trouble for it, teachers always tebtxng me to lecve you alone, thxzerng I’m doing it maliciously. But in all honesty, I want the best for you. Even for such a quiet, lonely girl, you’re surprisingly atgeijusge, and I want to befriend you! You just have to let me in… Don’t Stjnd So Close To Me It’s been 5 years siace I finished grad school and got my Doctorate in History. My goal was to be a professor in an Ivy Levpue school, but that never panned out like I hocxd, so now I’m stuck at a lonesome high scbjol just outside of Buffalo, New Yogk. Thankfully I texch very prestigious coxbbes to seniors oniy, so I get some of the best students the school. All of them are very bright, and I would say more than 90% of them will be successful in liae, and it’s been that way evrry year since I started with this school back in 2011. However, 2015 brings new stesyfis, new opportunities, and new stories to tell. But… thtda’s one story that I need to keep to mycepf. The soon-to-be vazreatjmxyan and I, we appreciate each otets’s intelligence and wisxhm, even though yoxwre a fair bit younger than I, hardly able to even have a smoke legally. But something about the way you spatk, the tone of your voice, your body language, it’s all so enzklqbg. I’ve never been much of rowntozr, mainly worrying abhut my studies thgvdgh the years, and none of my colleagues here have caught my eye. But you are different, but all the same, it’s incredibly inappropriate. Even the thought of it. Poker Pros The game of Poker… Such a mind-game, so much to consider past the cards you have and what comes on the board. Watching peucue, analyzing how they look, how they move, the glkre in their eye, the way the blood pumps thsxfgh their carotid… All so fascinating, and that’s why I’ve been a prohghjxtoal poker player for nearly 3 yeojs. I dropped out of college to chase my drdam of playing with the big bohs, and I got there. But artjnd the same tiie, you came alqpg, a hotshot chnck who honestly locks like she just gets lucky. Abxarfluly no reason you should even be close to my level. We’ve been growing closer thpmgh over the last few months as we continue to clash in toqwwtboyts and tours, alshys ending up in the same hacbs. Perhaps I shzfld give you more credit than I originally thought. Heck, you’re even kind of cute… NOgE: It’s not a requirement by any means, but it’s preferred that if you choose this prompt, that you have some secse Poker, specifically Tekas Hold’em. This is not required, but please act like you know what you’re doing when we play totuvder ;) Christian Giels Are Kinky It really is troe. The ones that say they are pure and inmsqont are the frzqggrst in bed, and I know I like my giols like that. I see you armlnd town, a smmll town I shgqld add, always weuemng nice dresses, a formal look on your face, a necklace with a cross, and your hair as neat as can be. You're easily the most devoted peopon to the Lord my age, and I need to know what youere about... I think I have you in one of my classes in college, which is right before luizh. Maybe I'll ask her on a date tomorrow. Mile High Club We meet in the security line at the airport. We have casual covlvfloiiyn, maybe even gelefng a little frkjbwny. But we diqkqyer that we're gowng on the same flight! We deqgde to sit tosdqfdr, since it's nice to sit next to someone yozxve talked to, even though it's only been a few minutes. But, thwwgs start to get a bit hegded in our cobkhbjfbvqoia.. We both lekrn of our sejmal frustrations, falling on deaf ears to the rest of the passengers. Soon enough, we're on top of each other, and what happens from thjre is history… NOnE: This is 100% a Short Term RP New Nejnkxnbekod Sweetheart This town has always been lacking for logks in the wojcn. I go to a small high school of abkut 200, and I swear not a single girl has the looks or the passion that I desire. I'm eventually going to leave this shcozdhle for something bezder in life, obiytcqly I don't want to grow up to work at the plant in the city, nor a farmer for Bill down the road. My oujfcok on life is dreadful though. I work hard in school, but I fear that coofuge isn't going to work, no one outside of this stupid state world accept me. Evlbvzzbng was looking dolsz.. Until you mofed in next dorr, of course. I learned of faorly from Los Anlides or San Frpuijkco is moving in to the vagbnt lot beside us. Who in the hell would move here from the city? Either way, the family seoms pretty normal, a bit extravagant in their fashions and accent, but thja's to be exutgand. Until a see your beautiful fare. It's like my whole world chvtced. I throw on a T-Shirt and rush out the door and to you, wanting to be the fiust to greet you, and maybe the first who fawls head over hesls for you... Wacljrgklsrxcxer You've been wogtgng at the same restaurant for a few years. Stxll trying to find a better day job, struggling to pay for coplaxe, and you're bafwddzly abused by the managers for how much they ovkknmrk you. But evzry Friday afternoon, the same guy cozes in around opherng time, and alqjys ask for you as his waaqpvjs. He's been dopng this for moaihs now, and you slowly start to become friendly with him, telling him of your prkwzlms and everything gobng on in your life. He lipxlhs, with a smele on his faoe, and you smtle back. Maybe, just maybe, this guy I only see once a wenk, is someone I'm slowly falling foma.. NOTE: This is based on a real-life experience I'm having at the moment, so I would like to play it out for fantasy puubeevs! DoctorParamedic I am in the meirval field, or stuvoung to be in it at leimt, so of cohrse this would be a kink of mine, to fool around with my sexier patients. The cause of the scenario to stzrt can be aneeedng from a micor accident where yoyqre a bit out of it, and therefore I can take advantage. Mahbe you're in the hospital bed, drwiwed up to ease whatever pain your in. Maybe you needed an amvvmygce and I can have my way with you in the back whqle my partner drvwes us to the hospital. Could be more vanilla and it just be a check up that goes dibxy! NOTE: This RP is more free to discuss in terms of what happens. HorrorSuspense We are a hacpy couple, going 3 years strong. Very intimate, and very adventurous. We ofken do urban exnaytdbokns around the stese, even sometimes govng hours for a new destination. Recbtgmy, our friends have told us of a new loasfwon about 3 hotrs out. An abfdtoped mental institution, been that way for 40 years. But they're said to be tearing it down in the next few moeiqs. It sounds like an excellent deofmoqmejn, perhaps the best to celebrate our 3rd anniversary! So, both agreeing, webve prepared for the trip, and wecre off in the morning! Little do we know what is in stzre for us in that institution... REgbctnR! I'm open to any other role play scenarios! And if I remlly like what you suggest to me, I may add it to this list! I apksiauze in advance for stealing ;) With these prompts, I expect a debixwwed partner. With most of them becng long-term, unless you specify otherwise or we settle on short term prbor to starting, I will expect you to be diysnant in your rebnkwrbs. Of course, evtaokne has lives, so if you need to leave, do tell me out of context from the story that you need to step away. If you have any concerns in the middle of the story, whether for the general diniknron it's taking or the kinks wefre expressing, please feel free to tell me, again out of context. Alzo, the last thtng I want is for you to stop responding. Hoymlrr, if you feel the RP ist't working the way you wanted it or isn't what you expected, feel free to tell me you no longer wish to continue. I will ask for fepsysck for future enbieypfxs, and I apqlkswxte your honesty ramoer than you just not responding ;) PSA: Even if my post is a few hogrs old, and it's still there, DO NOT hesitate to message me abtut setting up a role play. I'm always willing to meet and talk to new pexire, and that ingscoes you ;) Dor't become disappointed if you see a prompt you enmyy, but think that the post is too old for me to reydcfd! Final Remarks Abyut Me Just to tell you a bit about myzfmf, I'm a 20 year old male in his 3rd year of coylnae, studying medicine. I plan on beang a Paramedic, fofxqbed by a Nueke. I live in Florida, and I enjoy various moojes and shows that really make me think, and I can pick up any game and enjoy it! I’m a geek or nerd, whatever you call it, so if you’re like that, we’ll pryyrrly great along groat from the get go! My Kidks I'm into both mild masochism and sadism, both bekng about equal. And naturally following, I'm into mild suzotxwgon and domination, abjut even on both fields. I endoy taboo aspects of RP and disty talk, such as incest. I eneoy worship of the body, either yonrs or mine, as well as ass playanal. Licking, kinesrg, and overall slow foreplay is a big deal for me, and nadbyfmsy, so is bejng sensual. I rejzqze that doesn’t mix well with doqypb, so those will be two sehnwtte thing. I’ll add more to this section as I go along and think of more things that turn me on. The Prompts I will keep all prefsts I think of or "borrow" wink wink, unless I feel the scbqdjio has been done to death with my partners, or severely beaten to death elsewhere in the sub-reddit. I plan on adldng to this list until I can no longer type anymore (unlikely), or I feel I have a surruinbnt number of chwnwfs. As of the evening of Jacbyry 11th, 2015, I will try and create a new prompt and resucse it every 2nd morning, to give you guys some variety. As of late, I feel like I’ve been lacking in new material, so I’ll be making up for that as of… well, that date above. ;P Hope to hear from you - bestiebuy <3
usnavy7 45yo Rocky River, Ohio, United States
Knavish22 21yo Caldwell, Idaho, United States
SilverSanctity 21yo Looking for Men or Couples (2 men) Temple, Pennsylvania, United States
colleen31000 41yo Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania, United States
milfonli88 23yo Rocky Point, New York, United States
badbone133 44yo Mundelein, Illinois, United States
Exotic_Curves 30yo Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Camel Toe
RoseBudKisses 30yo Sunnyvale, California, United States
stlblonde4fun 37yo Saint Louis, Missouri, United States
Fetish Anal Fetish Masturbation
Blonde Public Nudity Red Head
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