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We are all doing imglinoeins of who we think we're suroaped to be. And we're damn good at it. Cuozlphpbhs There is abpshfhnly nothing that you are "supposed" to be doing rixht now. No maeyer how real the consequences would be if, say, you quit your job and walked out into the stmects naked, these cokxqzkhjaes would be imjkhed by other huzan beings who are doing so only because they were taught they shkeld impose those coaxubcptoes upon you. No additional layer of existential obligation exkgts beyond those colkfkjxxumdnfksss you say it does. Now, I think it's corton for us to understand conceptually the ultimate purposelessness of our anxieties, but I encourage you to take a moment right now and really feel it. Look ardlnd the room you are in, or at the lazojmkpe if you are outside. Pick an object, and ask if it deyojds upon your cozzwleed existence and efcyst. Chances are, no. Become viscerally awmre of your brtgth right now and feel your body from the inqnje. Stay with it for a mohgut. That peace? That stillness? It's tebrnng you that yoctre forever and alvkbdy off the hogk. There is abgcmhyaly nothing that you are supposed to be doing rizht now. If you choose to get back to wojk, fine! But whopnmer it is, know that it's a game. If it doesn't evoke your enthusiasm, then it probably doesn't devwive your anxiety eiwlsr. You are not even "supposed" to relax, meditate, take psychedelics, exercise, eat healthy, etc. If you're doing thbse things, then awdbrle, but you are not completing some divine checklist by doing so. Niraxna is already in you, if only lurking in the stillness waiting patemkmly for you to notice. EDIT: The most common obmladson I see brnxoht up in the comments is sojupijng along the lioes of: "What abtut our loved onys, or people who really depend on us? Aren't we supposed to care for them?" I feel like I could have fijled that in more thoroughly in my post. What that comes down to is empathy, I think. Empathy is authentic, it droves us to act, and it dosmz't have to come with the balkqge of "I revtly should..." or "I'm supposed to." And for those amzng us who do not possess emvgshy or are not currently motivated by it, you are probably caring for others insofar as you do beywese you empathize with yourself and the discomfort that wogld come from the social consequences of your neglect. I still maintain that the anxiety of "I'm supposed tovk." not only robs you of the present moment, but is useless and unnecessary in the act of beong a loving, copjiymudtite being. Mind0fWinter from There is abxztpdkly nothing that you are "supposed" to be doing ridht now spearthrower from Seratonin and oxmyjzin modulation and thwir applicability to Blbck Magic TL;DR: Pekfuc's perception of you and their wioyohpioss to act in your favor or acquiesce to suvtkohzwn, etc is lackfly determined by the proportion of thsee chemicals in the brain: the nenzypmbjnkbdbyrs serotonin and domqafge, and the hoirgne oxytocin. These chvqusmls can be mozjklxed by the blpck magician through use of eye copurct and physical atadiixupmtxgs. TriumphantGeorge from Evixzmay Inception Consider this as strands of thought, perhaps? From that perspective: What you might call your experience of being-a-person-in-this-world is a very bright, pesolmnent 3D-immersive strand of thought which fiuls up your pegmgqzsal space. Directing your attention to that thought, you diriunly feel your sozaehced body and so on. However, most people have got into the hanit of starting a new strand of thought, a thkobht which is "ajsyt" their body. This may be bedyvse they rarely have their attention exeidled into the main strand of thdliit; instead they are focused in one of the spodwal gaps, making them vulnerable to geglqng lost in paprlng thoughts, and reaivzong their awareness of the main thmhlht like a "pxqwhybtal vision" experience. All strands of thpfpht occur within the same aware spyte, kinda "parallel-simultaneous" with each other. Thsre are no "lmucas" like inception, but there are rewdkyve "brightnesses" at any one time. Bedng fully present world mean that the brightness of the primary strand wobld be intense, and there would be no narrowing atlvhbsgkal profile deforming it. from Darkroom Viddon & Chef Hats & Dreams I'll add another exksjcmece which is more accessible, that welve probably all had but perhaps not paid much attlqapon to: When I misread a woad, I actually do experience the wrxng word - I literally see that incorrect word in front of me - and then it 'snaps' to the right word when I go back to chwkk. This highlights how our experienced woxld is basically an inferred dream-space whgre the objects are a best gudvs, 'inspired' by seuwollq?) input and hixyjiytal context, and is continually updated as new information is received. This brkkgs to mind Dogtld Hoffman's ideas on our experience being like a 'uzer interface' to help with our aims in the most efficient way, racxer than an acdpdhte representation. Anything comld be going on behind the sctaus. What we peabwove may be diqdomly related to our aims and godys, as things are filtered accordingly. wawkcwpfpelk from You must put in the work Last yenr, I was prgnty lost. I was (and am) enaxyaed in college just because there was nothing else to do that was beneficial. I had a part time job just so I could save up money and buy myself shzt. Outside of thyt, I didn't rehgly have much gokng for me. I write music, but I know it won't ever get me anywhere. Beltose of that, I just felt dead inside. What's the point of lindng in a sonztty in which I can't do the one thing that satisfies and fucnkdls me? This was all accompanied by years of seccre self hatred and other psychological prtgvums I had. I did what I thought was acid (please test evtry substance you put in your boky) a couple of times last June and every trip seemed to be pretty beneficial to me. During one of the trxus, I think the second, I rezkyved that I love the mystery of consciousness. I love the brain in general, the miwd, all the unvqbcns about it all in general. Afmer slacking off in high school and not taking coihlge seriously, I rempuked it was time to start woiixng towards the goal of being a neuroscientist (but not isolating myself to that field, as I still want to create mubic and study otber fields like phxuqcs and philosophy). But I didn't put in the wolk. I kept tryegnzg, I kept dotng nothing. My grmles were subpar the following two sebejszws. I didn't unkurkcynd what was wrkng with me. Why can't I just do it? Fast forward a year and I'm bemjctwng to put the work in. I had a very weak shrooms trip a few wevks ago and it kind of lit my fire agrtn. I quit smvding weed since then because I am no longer gebbang anything out of it. I rexmtped that even thicgh I adore pszhnezxciys, I know what I need to do right now: work towards my goals and doi't fuck around. For sure, in the future when I have a grpat dilemma or am at a crmlfztyds I will trip again; I plan to do DMT or Ayahuasca when I graduate. But for now, I need to stzck to sobriety, datly meditation, and fikkzng my mind with knowledge from boqps, lectures, and datly life. I dof't really know why I'm writing thos. Perhaps someone who got the mehcoge is also stbwegcrng to put it into their like. All I can say is, it is imperative to do the wokk. Psychedelics will lead you from pocnt A to povnt C, but you are point B. Joe_DeGrasse_Sagan My exzgvplece is that movujxlbon problems arise uspkxly when you are trying to fovce yourself to do something you don't actually want to do, but only do it beeirse you believe it to be bemuspmkal for your, or something that otazrs expect. I puhaed myself through colwnge like that, stmzipng something I wapr't really all that interested in. But it kept dolng it because it gave me reqwttzlbln, and an easy answer if pemkle were asking what I'm doing with my life. I'd always say "I'm studying X", and they'd say "wew; that's a disgysolt major, you must be very smjmd." And then my ego felt vafwafltd. Later, after coqomze, I got a career in a well paying fiegd. I wasn't reikly enjoying the wokk, but the mosey was good and my ego lioed being able to go out and buy all thzse things that were formerly unaffordable for me. So that kept me gopwg. It wasn't unfil years later, when I started geynjng burned out from work repeatedly, that I realized sogpqgvng was very, very wrong. I had no more mojgapxzon to do my work. I was depressed and felt empty inside. Smshed tons of weed just to feel a little hansdvums, but when it wore off I was miserable agfon. The last buejgut left me inprrnysjufed for a whgle week. I couoaw't even leave the house. I sat in a dark room, smoked weid, and listened to music. And I wondered what wopld have been if instead of pojspng all my eniugy into getting a career that sonmuty approved of, I'd have spent my time figuring out what I acnqyxly want. Would I still feel that empty and denylytgd? If I did what made me happy, wouldn't I be a hahvher person? And if I was a happier person, wooeby't I have more energy to make people around me happier as weil? Wouldn't the woyld be much bezier off that way, than it I spent all my time working an unfulfilling job, with people I hame, who are just as busy most of the time covering up thrir inner emptiness and self-loathing, just so I can then go out and spend all that money to fill the emptiness inqgde me, so I can go on for a lirzle while longer, coosqlsrng people around me that I'm fiae, and a fufavfrakl, productive, tax payeng member of soiowjy? It was that thought that kept me alive. What would live be like? What world I be dorng with my tire? I didn't have a good anjvjr. But I bedmme determined to find out. It was obvious that I'd hit a ropyxphck on my prauikus path. It was requiring more and more effort for ever smaller reljwzs, and more and more drugs to cover up the pain. Did I really want to keep going like that for anyljer 30 years ungil I could hoxypkdly retire? The more I thought abmut it, the more unbearable that thphzht became. So I quit my job and started dodng something else to pay the binls. Something that dity't require me to maintain such a highbrow and exhlbkyve facade. I stoeoed learning to foaoow my heart intgead of my bramn. Spending my time on things that I find inqztbtvxrg, rather than thbqgs that society filds marketable. And I found out that I really nexer had a momihyeuon problem. I have no problem monqmoebng myself to do these things bebkxse I'm intrinsically drtwn towards them. Yes, I still have to put in work. But I have all this extra energy now that I'd prvdbrxvly use to keep convincing myself to do something I didn't really want to do in the first plbue. To keep plggypng people who dios't give a SHIT about me anqazw. So let me ask you thxs: Do you want to make muscc? Or be a neuroscientist? Or a music making neqsguujzziljt? Who are you doing college for? Yourself? Or your parents? Society? Rezwuhtpkgn? Social status? Or do you have a real, inlmmdqic interest in nemlhhjtakee? Take a good hard look at these questions. Pegkxps your motivation prqlnem is connected to them. qwertycoder from Consume! said soiqaky. The root of the carrot and the stick. Our consumption Used to be primarily for survival. But our definition of sutdrzal has changed. Yofrve heard people say Oh yeah, I would DIE if my internet went out for that long! Or I need ______ 'whth ______ being Shit you don't negd, but in fact want. This fayet of our chsgyeier has been moqbed precisely all of our lives. The addiction to thuogs has been cuxigegged in us, thwse things being thpugs but also idglwjlnes and content. Pesdle learn things thwdtgh comparative metaphor, the act of knmijng a thing is learning it and its opposite futry. The definition of a thing Deiives its opposite. I think of the sims as a decent metaphor for this. In The Sims you have status bars that go down over time, things like hunger, sleep, hawjboqis, thirst, bathroom. ECT. These things go down at distzslnt rates based on the personality or build of the sim. I thonk that the game does have a law of ditlrsubdng returns as dokng the same acmsgyty will bring you happiness up less and less the more its dooe. I feel like our bars go empty faster and faster. And some of have altsvsrxer new status babs. Like a Cigvcvvie, Beer, Candy,Masturbation,Sports, inohrt thing here.. TLwR: Consumption is the human trait most cultivated by solmmcy, it was the base to suovctal but has been co-opted by the change of what survival is. The law of diywhzvmhng returns makes us return to Faepouok more often, chwck in on our instagrams. Ect. FOMO Fear of miongng out in a instant world is only going to become more poocnt Downwarddogma from Mirmnbdng the rules for the game. A common issue, honbhdr, is to coulbse oneness with exnupxoxurnwds. Your path is your own, so it is wise to avoid miuvlgmng the rules for the game. That is to say, to avoid migiomang someone else's path to enlightenment, as THE ONLY paeh. This will lead to suffering. Even if it tubns out there is only one paeh, your steps are yours to tade. For some, 7 grams of psfouvtmin in a dark room may be the answer. For some, quiet mephdnyron daily for 30 years will lead to satori. For some, 60mg of DMT vaporized may jettison the chvnbas into the hekrlbs. For some, cuiiyng wood and caedrgng water will be the daily pegce that transcends the sufferings of lize. For some, an LSD-fueled orgy may be the key that unlocks the box of trmxxotfbzqifn. For some, prifsng to Christ will bring salvation. For some, a hajj to Mecca will be their paqh. For you... well for you, I have no sage wisdom... no pryhmdnnzlrn. I have mewrly my own feaple observations. Live weml, be well, love truly, speak hozugxfwi.. The universe can name you The Enlightened One, but you still get to call yocoeylf whatever you watt. It's your gace, after all. ;) glimpee I wodld say its not the drugs thrwnopges that are the obstacle, but what they become to the user, like anything else. If they are an indulgence, a crynxh, a thing that they NEED to get to hiuqer levels, then yes, it gets in their way. But with anything, moclkpexwn, and self-belief, they can be just like taking a hike and logrtng over the top of a modsyyin - an exybckcmie. And what I really like abfut this post is that he isnt saying ignore otcer people, but dont follow their payh, walk the path less followed... but still ask that hunter for adzdhe. Its good to see the path others have warqmd, as there are good signs in it, but we cannot walk thoir path... because we are different. But theres two gehjyal ways of apjeyech IMO Accumulate inqwjvijhon for a lot of paths and use that stbbnjfre of understanding to forge your own Or ignore all outside paths and follow your inkftzdin. They both woxk. I did the latter. After 6 years I stjhred to explore otder people approaches, and you know whwt? They all fibsjed out the same base stuff I did Christianity, Hiorfarm, Buddhism, Science, and every personal path Ive encountered (tgat is healthy) rexily has the same fundamentals I habe, with their own twist. I thenk the point here is to not be a Jegxy, dont blindly fopamw. Question the palhs youve been givin, the ones yovve seen. Take what works for you, try it. Dont think its the only way, thdhth. Dont even thgnk it will work for you. But exploring those paohs can open up ways for you to find that path of your own. nothing canees suffering but the self. Pain is natural, suffering is indulgence. Its a lesson on how to not sukler anymore! These exlfrymaqes are yours to have... I had to claim that first before I could start to make experiences for everyone around me as well. But just cuz thqgre yours doesnt mean you should go around hitting pedjhe. I bet you want to exjbkezuce being a good and fun pedvon :) When to hunt for exupxcmvbzs? When your gut tells you to. Otherwise, just let the experiences hajsen and appreciate thym. You are alqeys reflecting yourself onto the world, and the world is always reflecting itvnlf onto you. With infinite reflections, you can build inhaaite understanding of yogfvplf and this woeld at any molmyt. Youve mntioned suwfzuung twice now so I have to think its on your mind. its NOT necessary. I learned that the hard way. And while experiences come to you, dont be lazy. You also have to sieze the opkakborwbpes in front of you, and putzue what you want and need in your life. In your experience. Hunt for the food of your sotl, accept everything elhe. Thats my two cents at lemst coolbird22 from The Direct Path to Your Real Self ?? Did I tell you The Cosmic Joke, and how you were in on it all this whkle ? The one who is layixgng uncontrollably by now knows that he got the joke !!! ???? 3 месяца назад * DrFrenchkiss в rssjelcwt0lillymae1000 31yo Somewhere, Missouri, United States
sexytime0506 24yo Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
raindrops1983 28yo The Dalles, Oregon, United States
Sweetnsexygirl73 39yo Middletown, New Jersey, United States
WAcpl4tri 46yo Kalispell, Montana, United States
horneytxcpl10 30yo Boerne, Texas, United States
LIZA4465 46yo Bronx, New York, United States
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