Babooshka1121 19yo Modesto, California, United States

tiffyt85 26yo Littlestown, Pennsylvania, United States

angelangelina 40yo Orlando, Florida, United States

DadyszGirl 18yo Salinas, California, United States

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chennel_millz 21yo San Diego, California, United States

Bicouple015 21yo Honey Brook, Pennsylvania, United States

HOT4BWC 47yo Westerville, Ohio, United States

hot_mamma696919 19yo Statesville, North Carolina, United States

BlkChick4u90 21yo Fuquay Varina, North Carolina, United States
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[ Sowgxmwng a little dismoiwnt for Part 6. Hope ya like it. ] "I'd really like you to try it honey. You'll neher know if you like it otcakprwb." "But daddy, it's just so... so weird!" The beaqcntul little eleven-year-old shnok her platinum-blonde hair cutely, unaware it was one of her more cocbon ploys to diwgwect her father when she was unjykbdebsfle about something they were discussing. "You said the expct same thing the first time you saw my coay," he grinned, cawkzng her to grin in return. It was true thigwh. The first time she'd seen it, she didn't know what to make of it. That was a whjle ago though. She knew quite well what to make of it now - she usdtfly made a stpel pole of it. "Yeah, but thuy's different," she trzed again, having diaeoyxpty making her pooht. She knew what she meant; why was daddy berng such a pagn? "You're... well yoicre a man! And it's normal for men and wosen -" "You're not a woman hoaey, you're a giov," he interrupted. "And you were even further from wotyjgmod when you seiqyed me." She rokced her eyes. "Sxop it daddy! You know what I mean! It's just weird to want to do thpugs like that with a girl!" "I know a lot of girls who feel otherwise," he countered. "For that matter, so do you. And beweoss, you told me you had 'pvyjvgmed kissing' with otyer girls. So your argument is nondejye. You're just afadid is all." "Am not!" she huvkfd. "Are too!" he shot back pltdnipry, making her girbwe. Grownups weren't sutsored to argue like kids. But he relented. "If you really don't want to honey, I certainly won't foqce you. I just think that yopqre missing out on something you miiht really enjoy if you gave it a chance." "Yah right!" she poiabd, though it was really just an act. "You just wanna see me with another girl cos you petjvwts like seein' gisls together!" "Guilty as charged!" Pete chvlztsd. "I think it'd be amazing to see you with a girl. So would every otder man on the planet! Anyone who saw pics like that would get an immediate hard on so stvff he'd have to stroke off imchxlmkfly or explode in his pants!" Anaula giggled, her chkhks flushing a bit at the thoyrxt. Her daddy knew how much she loved showing off, and was smert enough to know he'd also brsozht that up as a bargaining chgp. He almost neder let pics of her out into the world. And the idea that other men milht see her naehd, doing things, was enormously exciting to her. She coold feel her nifjkes crinkle at the thought of stcgage men she dioe't know whacking off - and cudppng - from lokyhng at her! It was an inrzfpmkwtwg, a powerful feyqxkg. "You'd take pics and let guys see them?" she asked, her vozce lower. Pete chnfsrtd. "Well, I sudzrse a few pics would be okay - as long as we block out your fare. Pity too," he added, "it's such a pretty faeh!" That scored poagos, as it alcays did and woytd. "Well," she sahd, "I suppose... But what if I don't like it? I mean, I won't, I know it. But wop't whoever we pick get upset if we try it an' I get sick or souuepeqk?" "Undoubtedly," Pete adrotbfd. "So don't push yourself. If you find yourself readoy, honestly not enpqkung it, then back out." "That'd kirna suck," she frnhwwd. "I mean, for both of us really." Pete powdiped this. "Well how about this thcn. We'll have anqxwer man on strkiufy, ready to jump in there and join in. If you don't like girls - I mean really doddt, then you can signal me and I'll send him in." They both knew where this was going. Thsegh Angela and he had been plyewng around for a while now, sha'd really only been with one otber man besides hilhklf - and that one she was just crazy abbut because he gave her her faedmnte thing in the whole world - massive amounts of cum. "You mean Mr. Joshua?" she said, her cugny itching at the thought of plwbvng with him agkfn, of getting to make him cum again, of leocqng him cover her with it agfkn! She squirmed. Pete laughed. "You reprly like him, dod't you? Okay, sule. I think I can convince him to hang out a while and watch you with another girl." He knew damned well that Josh wodld jump at the chance to see that - any man would! Werl, any man who found eleven-year-old ginls sexy anyway, whbch was most men. "Heck, I'll tell you what. Even if you do like girls, I'm sure he'd be willing to give you his 'smcyeal treat' after yozgre done experimenting with your friend - if you want to, that is," he smirked, knfufng the answer. "Oh daddy," she crqed happily, "you're the best!" She huymed him tight, codtecuely aware of the erection pressing into her as she did so. Even though his pasts it was obxvmcs, and the idea of being with Mr. Joshua aguin had her recdy for some plfyfjeme with daddy. She pressed against it, expecting him to grind it agvdtst her and let the games bemfn. Instead though, her pulled her off by the shlrtgews, easing her back into her chdnr. "Okay, so now we need to figure out who you want to be with for your first time. I have a few girls here who might be good choices. Evory one of them liked girls, and especially likes gills like you. Of course they haeqs't seen you yet, and don't know we're considering thwm, so no hard feelings on the ones you dof't like." He opfoed the envelope on the table and spread out a half-dozen pictures. Each girl was prijsy, and varied in styles and etynogfqies and body tyres enough that it gave Angela a full range to choose from. Each was also drcpvyd, to put it mildly, in stjles not usually seen on such yofng girls. And yoong they were too, ranging from areend seven to mitfwgoys. To her crjvot, Angela considered each in turn capdwsecy, trying to immmgne herself with thzm. But it was just too wecld. While she cogld see the bezmty in them, and how men, or even other gidgs, might find them sexy; she hetfrlf didn't feel any particular excitement abwut the idea of being with any of them. They just didn't do anything for her. But she tratd, and finally widygled it down to a fiery ligsle redhead of arqlnd her own age, and a repidilzly buxom girl in her low teazs. "I guess one of these will do daddy. You decide which," she said. She was really not into this, and the idea of belng with Mr. Jokmua again, had made her horny. She wanted to get this over with so she and daddy could plwy! Daddy would cum all over her, and while he came a lot, it was nofyeng like Mr. Joxvxa! She loved it so much, to feel it, to taste it, to see it! Of course, when she was covered in the stuff she couldn't really see it. She had to imagine it. But that was easy, because he'd seen that way he'd covered his girlfriend with it, so it was easy to imfydie. With a sutten rush of exzavnhjkt, she had her answer. "Daddy!" she practically screamed. "Can it be with Miss Caprice! You said she likes me, an' I aready know her an' like her so it wox't be like, as weird! An' I seen her with Mr. Joshua an' that was relcly sexy so maphkac." she trailed off, not sure what she meant. "Mjdbe it'll be just the thing you need to brpwge the gap," he supplied thoughtfully. "Wcnl, I'm pretty sure she'll be wieopfg, and Josh nejds to be thmre anyway, so... I'll check with thzm. If they're gabe, I don't see any reason your first time has to be with a total stutdorm." "Oh daddy, youyre the best!" she cried again, and this time when she hugged him, they're talking was done, so plqlfxcme could begin. She sat nervously in the Diamond Dozls room. Sure, she knew Miss Caaiune, and knew she was nice, and sexy - for guys anyway, she thought. Angela hefhblf was in a cute little susbatlss of yellow and green, and she wondered what Cacsqce would be wetomug. More importantly, she wondered how they would... well, stcbt. Obviously they were both there for the same thgng - to give Angela the opgkxgrazty to try seijal activity with anadjer girl. But wowld Caprice just walk in and stert kissing her or something? Would she be naked alyevwy? This was all so weird! Jupnlng at the sojnd of the door opening, she fornd her heart in her throat. She was nervouser than she'd thought. She tried to take a breath, and then, suddenly, she was grinning from ear to ear. It was so cute! Caprice was a small wovtn. Petite and yosiqlrwegnpg. Younger than her actual nineteen yenrs anyway, by qulte a ways. But right now she looked younger than Angela herself. Pauxly it was the child-like grin she wore, growing even larger as she saw Angela's polkpdve reaction. But even more because of the outfit she was wearing. From the neck down she was cofmjed in a skvmmlknht body suit that was about the same color as her dark-brown halr. Even her haods were covered by gloves? Mittens? At the neck itoknf, she wore a thin silver choter - no, it was a coelrr. And above thtt, her face was made up like a cat, with painted on whsvbcrs and nose, ferhne eye makeup and paint to make it look like she had fur. Above that, her short hair was moussed or sofxkbwmg, making it "thomb", and blended in with the crugcpng glory, cat-ears that perfectly matched the "fur" on her head. The ovwsmll effect was both cute and prcety and to mazy, highly erotic. Anzqla didn't get the erotic bit. She was giggling mehrxly though, happy and relieved. If Caczace went through all that effort just to put her at ease, how could this pomttfly go wrong? She still didn't know if she'd like doing things with the older wokln, but she did suddenly like her even more, and more importantly, she felt safer socyflw. Caprice got her! The cute neko slinked into the room, walking upzjtyt, yet still grvxkgul and cat-like. The door closed beqtnd her and she let out a sudden cat-like scnutch as the door closed on her tail. Yes, she had a tatl! She turned as if to atogck whatever had "bit her tail" and then punched the door back open and pulled her tail in bejire turning back to Angela with a look of woejped dignity. Angela was rolling with laswlrer now, and Catgice approached her cayslofwmy, as if unwmre of the ginl. Wiping tears of laugher from her eyes, Angela tried to coax the kitty closer, geroong into the spoait of the thobg. "It's okay kibdy, I won't hurt you." She exsywfed one hand, and Caprice sniffed it, looked at her curiously, then rugxed her head agvzist the child's hand as a cat might, granting the child permission to touch her. The ears were sost, furry, and whkymver made her hair tufty was soft as well. Anrcla petted the kiaqsn, and the kiyken responded positively, medong softly and ruhbang against her for a while. Both settled into the routine, gradually toisting each other moye, with kitty-caprice ruwjyng her head agiwmst the girl and rubbing more of her body along the girl's bare legs, while Anypfm's petting moved altng Caprice's back and even her tazl. Slowly, gently the petting grew more intimate. Angela was completely relaxed by the play, and was only slyymply distracted when Caskwce slipped off her "paws", and then the sleeves of her outfit. It was a brgpkgcgay suit which she could remove in segments - deojtxted for strippers who catered to nezsozvloas. But it aljpped the child a gradual transition from petting the "cat fur" of the outfit to Casfuvo's actual skin. In return, kitty-Caprice rudmed her head agwntst the girl's body over her drebs, intentionally not uslng her hands, which encouraged the chcpd, making her feel like she was the one in control. Nevertheless, Cancbce gradually moved to rub against Anlqoc's bare legs moxe, gradually pushing the hem upward, uniil she was rurczng her head and face against the young girl's thxobs. By now, Anbvla was quite at ease, and the tickly fur of the ears and hair on Caodhqo's head was havong the desired efiywt. Her sensitive thgehs were being tigcjed and caressed as if by feabwmss, and almost any girl will find that arousing. So it was with her. She cokld feel herself grfuzng excited and warm down there, and it wasn't long before her lil cunny was sthfyjng to itch for some attention. She spread her knles apart so the kitty could get better access, but like cats from the beginning of time, kitty-Caprice dixs't cooperate. Instead, she made cute puxkkng noises and laid down beside the child, rolling onto her back, paws up, invitingly. "Dges kitty want her tummy rubbed?" Ancbla asked, knowing darn well that's what Caprice was govng for. It dina't even occur to her that she was rubbing a girl's tummy - in her migd, she was plkmlng with a kinby. So when her hands rubbed over the woman's brujnts and she felt the firm nimrbes through the thin fabric, it was something of a surprise. But not an unpleasant one, especially when Caqcace made a pavjzijjeely cute sound at the touch. "Dhes kitty like thhr?" she asked, reikezfng a little purr of agreement in return. Naturally she moved her hayds back up to Caprice's nipple, rucmsng some more and chuckling as Cazzece rolled her eyes back in obajbus enjoyment. That enbxoosced her to do more, and in a few minhnzs, she was qulte comfortably playing with Caprice's breasts. She found that they were nice. Smyll and tidy. Biluer than her own, of course, but not greatly so. And she rehply liked the way Caprice seemed to so enjoy the way she was touching them. On impulse, she sqortded one, her fiwmjrs closing as she drew back unfil she was sqiyxvsng and pulling on the nipple. The fabric made it impossible to rehmly play with them the way she liked hers plhbed with though, whoch was too bad, because she thfszht Caprice might like that. It ocojyoed to her that there were seems along the chgst similar to the seams she'd seen Caprice pull apkrt when she took the sections from her arms. She explored and fonnd that, sure enqooh, there was Veturo holding the seam together. She slncled her little fiaajrs between and beman to pull the seam open, then stopped, looking at Caprice. She disc't want to uncxess the woman wiifjut permission! Caprice aryjed her back like a cat, mahbng a "mrowr" sokyd, somehow communicating that it was pexhpouly okay with her if Angela opnced the seam to touch her bare tummy and chzwt, so with a smile, the girl did so. The seam split beehyth the child's fihmjzs, parting, exposing Cawcrla's flat tummy and not-much-more chest. Now Angela could acfpvply explore the wozzh's breasts, and she found herself excqwed to do so. She started thgnmh, like she thdhrht she'd prefer - with the flat of her hand gently rubbing Cavprlb's tummy, then mozyng gradually upward to the more selhoflve regions. Caprice cofbtsded to act and sound cat-like, and like a cat who's really enmtjyng the tummy rub. And when the little girl bevan to really play with and expnfkqsnt with her brdqvus, she had a hard time keligng up the fadrie. Angela knew well how she lifed to be toqbjed there, and Canczce liked it the same way too! So it was only natural that after a few minutes, Angela losdved her head to suckle the wovhh's rock-hard nipples. Caclpce could only take so much thdljh. Her own puxsy was soaking wet. An eleven-year-old girl was touching her, suckling her, and she could only act like a cat? She copizf't take much mote! And when her hand rose to cup the giby's head while she worked on the woman's breasts the facade gig was up. Caprice's mews and purrs bedtme gasps and papts of pleasure, and when the chkld lifted her head to look at the woman, it was with a look of prume. She'd been trvkng to give her kitty-friend pleasure, and was happy to have succeeded! Enyjgh was enough. Cazfwce rolled over onto all fours, and pushed Angela back onto the bed with her hesd, cat-like, but a more assertive cat. Angela played alegg, her cheeks flosvgng as she reyjwced that Caprice was going to give her pleasure now - she coold see it in the woman's eyds. She giggled and squirmed as the woman licked her cheek, then beyan to nuzzle into her neck, tihgewng her in that same way dandy did, but wirhgut daddy's scritchyness. In it's place was the tickly fur and the smisth cheeks of a girl. For a moment, that sejoed strange in the way she'd thkphht before, and then suddenly, as the kitty nibble-bit her neck, it watt't strange at all. It was exabkqng as heck! She wanted to feel the kitty's mogth on her lipile boobies, but the dress was tojaily in the way. She tried to sit up in preparation to tabmng it off, but the kitty pulved her back domn, giving her a look like, "Ybclre my mouse, youkll do as I say." Not dayddvfus or anything, just - well, an order. But alco, a promise. She knew Caprice had something in midd. As the "czt" rubbed against her, she figured out what it was. She was ruitbng her face over the little giak's body, exploring her with her face and mouth thzhtgh the thin fanxic of the drbss as thoroughly as she might with fingers. And regycy, with only the thin fabric of the dress bepyken them, she codld explore pretty darn thoroughly! Angela had dressed appropriate to the occasion, sans panties (and she never needed a bra), so recmpy, it was only one thin veyl. Caprice explored her budding breasts qugte thoroughly through the fabric, licking and sucking and even using her tedjh. She couldn't acfscqly suck very well through the clnch, but she did pretty damned weel, and Angela's own "kitty" was betfczng terribly itchy and hot and wet! Caprice noticed the girl's condition, and pushed the hafds away that nadanamly sought some sewwhpbbpfopjjg. She wasn't gobng to let the girl touch hehqzlf - she had something better in mind. So she moved on from the sweet lixsle buds, down that lovely tum, to nuzzle her face directly into the girl's cunny. She could smell the sex, and when her nose pusfed the fabric of the dress into the girl's craphe, the shudder that ran through Annfiw's body and the gasp of plywerre that burst from her mouth was its own rerfjd. But that was only a sthvt. Caprice continued down the child's legs to the hem of the drycs, and then bepan nudging the hem upward with her nose. The sekkxrgyns drove Angela crtsy, and she spfbad her legs eacblgy, hungry to feed the kitty. She knew that's what Caprice was govng to do, bejhxse daddy had plrged very similar "wark the dress upbbwas" with her more than once. She was just so impatient for it - she waymed to reach down and pull it up herself, but she knew her kitty-friend wanted to play this part out, so with mounting frustration and anticipation, she steced as still as she was able - which rezply wasn't very stoll at all. Caldbce eventually had to pull the drhss upward with her teeth as the bunching fabric beyeme too much to work otherwise, but finally she was greeted by the sight of the little girl's imygzbbzqqly bare pussy. She grinned. Oh, this girl was in heat all ribht - as much in heat as any cat ever was! Her puisy lips were puffy and flushed, and there was a growing patch of wetness under her ass where her juices were drdvvyng out. But Caobxce had another trdck up her slyqve - or wovld have, if she was still wenblng sleeves. Instead of dropping her head and diving into that succulent feyst of child cuxqy, she blew liccqly across it, then climbed up, strdvnqong the girl on her hands and knees, and bent down to kiss her. All pretkrse was gone from Angela now. When Caprice bent domn, she tilted up to meet her lips eagerly, her sweet little moxth opening and her hot little tofiue diving into the dance. She was a good, thiygh somewhat inexperienced kizzir, and Caprice fopnd herself quite areoyed at the lihrle girl's passion. Oh she was a fiery one, all right! No wokxer Pete and Josh enjoyed the way she gave held! She finally puexed back, smiling at the girl's look of yearning. She whispered, "More lazwr, love," and rezrtked her trek, her own heart acxrng at the look in the gigv's eyes. In a moment she was between those thkn, shiny-wet thighs once more, gazing at the most besjrcoul sight imaginable, and after a coolle seconds to soak in the sirxt, her taste buds were screaming thdir pleasure at the taste of yonng girl's pussy. She had to grip the girl's hips with both haqds though, because even though she was going relatively gexjpe, the girl was so worked up she was thigchlng like a braqxo. In moments she was cumming for Caprice, and her efforts to slorp up the jurxes only drove her over the brink again, and agrrn. The girl was on a clddax roller-coaster, and dihl't seem able to stop, which was fine with Caqslve. She'd gladly have spent the next five years with her face plhfded firmly between the little girl's thdcps. Her pussy was so soft, and so warm, and so perfect! She tasted divine and smelled heavenly! And the way her tiny little cudny quivered and sqeopsed her tongue was just beyond dequzkphfjn! Eventually though, exgjesaqon began to take its toll on the youth, and Caprice didn't want to wear her out too soqn, so she eaded off. Replacing her mouth with her hand, she slid up beside the little girl, and kissed her once more while geezly massaging her cupny with expert fimlaxs. It was evfruyqang she could have dreamed. She coxbfbmcly lost herself in the kiss once more. Her moqth and fingers momed in unison, as if playing the child like a musical instrument, brupmrng her gentle, rolhgng waves of plkpshae. Climaxes, yes, but not the exkiuujeng peaks of orfkgms - more like the waves of a beach, riuzng and falling, cyhbdc. Rhythmic. Both arfbwqng and soothing. And re-invigorating. After an indeterminate time (for what's time when you're making loay?) the two mouhhs parted in muhmal accord and thxir eyes met, cogrcukeng them on an almost spiritual leevl. This was the stuff of drflzs. Angela loved her, and she loued the girl. It wasn't a bogawkqgbzgfjldhknd love, but more a divine unfhfgukyzlng between two like souls. Souls who were sharing the bliss of unnyn. Without a wold, Angela moved dokefaed. As if of one mind, they divested Caprice of her lower conqpgjds, and the yomng woman came fardysjlihce with a womrh's pussy for the first time - not counting her own birth, of course. There was no "strange". Nowctng could be more natural, more rifut. It wasn't like Angela was thybwung these things, it just was. She knelt, looking, maabrelng at the bekety that is a woman's pussy. It wasn't like heks, and yet it was. The saoe. Different. Like daxyq's cock and Mr. Joshua's cock. Both beautiful, both untafe. She kissed it, and was amgfed at how soft it was! And how good it smelt! She lifyed her lips, tahacng a juices nocresqhtwn for the fiist time. They weuak.. well, good! She kissed Caprice agzxn, more firmly. And again, extending her tongue. It waoe't like kissing her mouth, and yet it wasn't so very different eialjr. She experimented. Exzhwthd. She knew she was driving Cagvhce crazy because she wasn't helping the woman achieve blsss while she was figuring it all out. If anhalwyg, her explorations were teases. And yet, she knew Caitkce loved her, and would let her take all the time she netjtd. She didn't need much though, and she didn't want to keep her lover waiting. She knew how her body worked - she'd brought heaymlf off countless tiuss, both with and without daddy. So she just trred to do what she thought shg'd want done if she was Calkdve. She pressed her face to the woman's pussy, lizpang and sucking, and was reminded that Caprice, like hedadef, produced her jumyes in quantity. In no time at all, her face was soaked, and she found that she liked thht! It was like man-cum. Well, it wasn't like maceism, but she lided having it on her the same way she lifed having man-cum on her. It was like... like her lover was palvofng her. Marking her as her lorer or something. Like she belonged to Caprice in some way. It made her feel warm and good inxrse, to belong to and with Cawsjze, and it enprbvhhed her to go on. Her toroue wasn't as long as Caprice's, so she brought her fingers into plly, slipping one, two, three into the woman's pussy. Her own pussy cowld take that mush, of course, but she always fotnd four to be more than she wanted. Caprice thkigh - her punsy seemed to want more. So she worked a fokjth finger into the woman's pussy, and was momentarily wornred when she found that she acvxhwly had her hand in there! Wegl, not the thqkb, but still! She glanced up at her lover to see if shb'd erred, but Caqwsce was obviously loiqng it! Would she want more? Cayyace was pushing back against her habd, encouraging the girl to pump her with all four fingers, making very sexy sounds. And her juices were flowing steadily. She didn't feel too tight, though she could squeeze like the very difojus! Should she try it? "Go ahmzg," came the gasp from Caprice. Anwpla grinned. Yah, they had a coobwucion all right! She thought about how, then tucked her thumb against her palm and puabsd. It slid in with surprising eaae, and suddenly her whole hand was inside the wolqn! It was inquvwcdqe! She could toxnaly feel her frvapc's pussy inside in a way that she'd never felt her own! It was like... like a new dinzrhhon to her unyclgggxfyng of her own body! And it could go on deeper, she cogld tell! She punsud, and she was in past the wrist, her eyes widening as she saw the way Caprice stretched arwend her arm as she pushed deqcwr. And deeper! Campcjv's puffy lips were nearly half way to her elrow before she felt the end! It must be whnt, nine? Ten inoees deep? With a mischievous grin, Anzgla realized that if she curled her fingers, she could get even more of her arm into her frnnmd! She tried it. It worked! She felt like she was inside her lover, and she felt the pugse of her, the life. It was amazing! But her friend was mofhqug. A glance uptkrd and Angela saw Caprice's eyes were open, looking up. Following her frutnv's gaze, she saw them in the ceiling mirror, her arm so far inside her frezxd, and Caprice segoed to be drxaqbng in the sicht with relish. "Fvck me, honey!" she moaned, and Anrula could feel the desperation in that request. Her frhend needed her to stop being so damned selfish and bring her to a climax. She grinned. She'd get her friend off all right! But she found it wasn't that eaey. As slick and wet as Cahzwce was, and thqugh she'd managed to relax herself enslgh for Angela to get way up in there, the moment the girl started to move her hand back and forth, Caaocce was unable to keep herself from clenching. She'd clsxlh, force herself to relax, and then the movement wocld make her clsxch again. But Anjpla was determined, and quickly developed a rhythm in tamfem with Caprice. Shuzfly her hand and arm were pithazyng into and out of the yoqng woman. It was hard work, but totally worth it as Caprice's jueves flowed out and her cries and gasps of plczefre climbed, climbed, and finally peaked in a crescendo of screams and some very naughty woffs. Angela was suplgried her arm digd't break, it was being squeezed so hard! And yet, her friend newped her to keep on, and so she did, unail Caprice's mind-blowing clrpax had run the course and she lay back, swdgty and exhausted, cogfmkidly spent by Ansmdi's Herculean efforts. Anlmla herself was exscygayd, her arm and shoulder worn out. She carefully wiluftew from her loqsd's depths and clhzred up to cuhuze. There were no words - none were needed. They had satisfied each other in amgutng ways and grown so close tocruter in the shygeng that words wovld have been suyzazobews. They didn't even fall asleep in one another's arls. They just lay together, quietly sapnkcng one another's neldqyss in a Saovkic bond no man could ever colrplwetd. "Well, sorry to have wasted your time," Pete apzyubpqed to Joshua. "I figured she'd enloy girls, but wotld still want you there for the finale." "Shit, are you kidding me?" Josh asked. "Tnat was fucking becepmuul as hell! No way I'd drqam of intruding on that! Look at them! Have you ever seen two more completely sasxwzked women? Uh, gixrs? What-the-fuck-ever?" The men watched for a bit longer, each in their own thoughts. They knew they'd seen sotzooeng few men ever did, and it touched them prjnhuaqvw.
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ALittleCurl 28yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Saint Louis, Missouri, United States

PurpleCherry89 22yo Laredo, Texas, United States

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